FalsePattern - An Introduction

Who am I?

I'm FalsePattern, an eastern-European university student working on open source stuff in my free time. You can find me on BlueSky (falsepattern.com), and Discord (you should be able to guess my username).
I also have a personal email address under this domain name, you can find it by importing my pgp key, I won't post it here because of scraper bots
I don't really interact a lot in public, but feel free to poke me whenever, and I'll try to answer if I have some free time (my current uni schedule sucks ;_;).


I enjoy programming, and I've been doing it for a long time. I started with Java, then I gradually picked up Kotlin, and now I'm experimenting with Zig and a tiny bit of Rust.
I'm part of the MEGA team, which is a small group of developers working on our own Minecraft modpack.
Aside from that, I also maintain a few other projects, such as my own non-MEGA affiliated mods, as well as the ZigBrains plugin for IntelliJ IDEA, which I originally wrote out of frustration from the lack of a good Zig plugin for IDEA, and by now has become the de facto Zig plugin for IntelliJ IDEs.


I use NixOS for all of my systems, because it's the most reliable distribution I've ever used, and the statelessness of the config means that recovering is relatively easy as long as the git repo is still saved somewhere, even from a full system failure.
If you want access to my dotfiles, and we've met before, contact me using an encrypted email message, and include proof that I know who you are. I won't give access to people I don't know. (Alternatively, you can just poke me on Discord/BSky about it if we're friends/mutuals)
The main reason why I didn't make it publicly available is because it includes some personal info for convenience, and I'm lazy to clean it up.
It's also a spaghetti mess of multiple computers and shouldn't really be used for your personal system unless you're willing to put up with being synchronized to my workstation's packages (a friend learned this the hard way).

This Website

I purposefully designed this website so that it requires zero JavaScript to work properly, and all pages are fully W3C compliant, ensuring they render properly even in less common browsers as long as they are relatively up-to-date (sorry IE8 users).
Currently, this website is running on an Apache Tomcat server (running inside an highly isolated qemu VM because JVM and security are exact opposites), and the pages are generated using a custom Kotlin-based templating engine that I wrote myself specifically for this side.
As with my dotfiles, if you want access to the source code of this website, you can contact me for it, same reason like above, spaghetti code and personal stuff.

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